
Baby Barn Owl

This screaming ball of fluff was found on the ground. The finder left it be for a while to see if it’s parents were caring for it, they were not so they gave us a call. Barn owls can have anywhere from 2-18 eggs, not everyone is going to be able to fit in the nest, if they fall out their parents won’t necessarily care for them.

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Java-Barn owl

Java and Rocky

Java came to AZ wildlife, through AZ Game and Fish. Java was found dehydrated at a nearby landfill. After a couple of cooling misting, Java was much cleaner and happier.

Due to the unexpected passing of Munchkin (Rocky’s rehab buddy) Rocky was moved in with Java. Java is recovering nicely we plan to release them together once they are well enough.


Houdini’s Great Escape

Today we moved Houdini to the big flight cage in preparation for his release. He settled in nicely…it was a trick! Shortly after we walked away he lived up to his name and squeezes out through the bars! How?! Those bars are pretty close together. He was ready. Happy hunting Houdini!


The little ducklings.

The 3 little ducklings that we’re brought to us by Yuma animal control are getting bigger and exploring the garden.

Olaf-getting stronger

After a rough start Olaf the little pigeon or dove is getting stronger!

Pip and Squeak-getting ready for the big world

pip and squeak checking out the garden
looking around…wait they see someone
”mom” where have you been?!

Pip and squeak are slowly acclimated to the outside world. Scoping out the garden for snacks, but they love Kim and fly to her when the see her. Flight skills improving!


Olaf-baby dove.

We received a message late last night about a baby bird that fell from its nest. There was no way to put it back (there was tree trimming going on). This morning I went out to get him. He was sooo cold I turned on the heat in my car and put him in my shirt to warm him up, he snuggled into the warmth. Got him under a heat lamp ASAP, and a little food. After a nice restful nap he woke up for some breakfast.


Great horned owls Bert and Ernie’s release

Ernie’s release
Ernie looks impressed.

Bert and Ernie have successfully completed rehab! This evening they were released. Bert was so ready to go he didn’t stick around for photos. Top came off and he was out!

Ernie on the other hand needed a few minutes to survey his domain. Happy hunting fellas!


3 little ducklings

the one on the right looks like he’s wearing leggings

The ducklings are growing fast and out exploring the yard. Ducklings are always adorable!


Sparky-American kestrel falcon

Sparky isn’t 100% willing to leave his friend. He comes back for bugs and snacks from Tony. He spends his nights in the trees and days flying around with other kestrels. He’s still young but he’s making progress integrating with the other kestrels.