Hector is moving up in the world. He’s graduated from his rehab cage to the flight cage to practice his fly….he’s not very graceful at the moment, but I’m sure he’ll have it in no time!
Hector is moving up in the world. He’s graduated from his rehab cage to the flight cage to practice his fly….he’s not very graceful at the moment, but I’m sure he’ll have it in no time!
Pip and squeak are making huge strides. Today they have been upgraded to an outside cage to practice their flying skills. They’ll be ready soon!
Tiny Hulk came from Yuma Mesa irrigation
Enjoying the cool morning
The flight cage needed some work and minor repairs to get it ready for this season.
Special thanks to Shanen L. Aranmor and Weld Like a Girl for reattaching the door!
If you haven’t had a chance to visit Weld Like a Girl. They have some amazing classes and all ages and experience levels are welcome!
Now to add branches and logs and things!